SHISEIDO presents エコの作法
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「温故創新 日本の美を未来に繋ぐ人」  (2014年10月3日)
"The women live with nature are beautiful. "
"Sending Sophisticated beauty to the world."
"The nature of Kobo makes Sake tasty little by little."
"Japanese houses connects the future and the past."
"Seeking the best relationship for living with the nature."
「究める×銀閣寺」  (2014年9月19日)
"Manners contain everlasting beauty."
"Japanese beauty rises calmly."
「護る×奈良の国宝」  (2014年9月5日・9月26日)
"The National treasure conveys the origin of Japan."
"Giving sincere prayer by chanting."
"The origin of Japan is in the Nature."
「遠野物語×説く」  (2014年8月15日)
"handing down the faith of unknown people."
"Perceiving folktale inherited at home."
「涼む×夏の暮らし」  (2014年8月1日)
"Refreshing coolness of paper are brought by craftsmanship."
"Leaving cool beauty of tin to the future."
"A cool sound resonates in our mind."
「清む×青」  (2014年7月18日)
"Traditional blue colors a modern life."
"Japanese art is supported by the art of blue."
"Fascinated by blue, they refine its brightness."
「辿る×四国八十八カ所霊場」  (2014年7月11日)
"Finding Jodo in the other side of the horizon."
"Encountering a mystic world through ascetic practices."
「生きる×苔」  (2014年6月13日)
"Jodo is in the stillness of moss-grown world."
"The art of the garden is finished by growth of the moss."
"Green carpet of moss purifies one's mind."
「焦がれる×熊野古道」  (2014年6月6日)
"In the boundary of life and death, people gains power to live for."
"Discovering one's littleness in the universe of Kumano"
「合わせる×和菓子」  (2014年5月16日)
"Japanese sweets reflects nature."
"Fusing traditional skills to the European sweets."
"Adopting modern sensibilities to Japanese sweets."
「鎮める×世界遺産 日光の社寺」  (2014年5月9日)
「泰平の世を、照らし続ける 」
"It continues lighting up the peaceful world."
"Raising thanks to nature faith."
"Keeping the skill purely without adding nothing."
「想う×手紙」  (2014年4月18日)
"The craftsmanship colors calligraphy of Japan."
"Something special about letter is that it conveys love and feelings."
「甦る×京都の古民家」  (2014年4月11日・5月2日)
"Finding the beauty of curios in daily life."
"Living with nature in a old house."
「愛しむ×俳句」  (2014年3月28日)
"Accepting all and see the world."
"finding infinity in common scenery."
「祈る×火」  (2014年3月7日)
"People inherit power of the life dwelling in candlelight."
"Fire makes life warm."
"refreshing one's heart by fire festival."
「用いる×柳宗悦と民藝」  (2014年2月28日・3月21日)
"Handing in the Beauty of pottery by using in a daily life."
"Handwork of Mingei produces warmth."
「在る×永平寺」  (2014年2月7日・3月14日)
"Everything in daily life is Zen meditation. "
「漲る×豆」  (2014年1月31日)
"Praying great happiness with beans filled with vitality."
"Revaluing the local taste of domestic soybeans."
「伝える×秘境の暮らし 信州・遠山郷」  (2014年1月10日)
"Faith and the prayer strongly join a person together."
"Facing life, living in a mountain."
「寿ぐ×和のデザイン」  (2014年1月3日)
"A design of the celebration links the heart."
"Witty way of life emerges in a design."
"A kana letter has beauty of nature."
「楽しむ×富士山と温泉」  (2013年12月6日)
"Having a good time with hot spring and changing scenery of Mt Fuji."
"Soaking in a hot water that power of the earth dwells in."
「温もる×郷土の汁」  (2013年11月29日・12月27日)
"People warms their body with the soup of local food."
"Traditional soup deepens family and local community ties."
「導く×世界遺産 厳島神社」  (2013年11月8日・12月20日)
"Power of Nature, Power of Gods dwells in Itsukushima Shrine."
"Natural environments make you feel the existence of gods."
「在る×隠岐」  (2013年11月1日・2014年8月29日)
"Feeling history and time human ticked away to the earth."
"Their life coexist with Nature."
「添う×高千穂」  (2013年10月11日・11月22日)
"Feeling myth in nature."
"Living with faith, Passing down rituals."
"Be with Gods by sacred music and dance of one thousand years."
「紡ぐ×絹」  (2013年10月4日・10月25日)
"Keeping the tradition and skill for silk."
"Spinning and weaving silk is to spin Japanese beauty."
「待つ×月と暦」  (2013年9月13日・9月27日)
"appreciating the lunar calendar by the five senses."
"Living along with the change of nature."
"Bringing up sensitivity to read time naturally."
「求める×おくのほそ道 」  (2013年9月6日・9月20日)
"Filling a heart with a picture of solemn nature."
"Feeling the eternal passage of time in Nature."
「遺す×屋久島」  (2013年8月9日・8月30日・2014年7月4日)
"Conserving the ecological chain of life from the ancient times."
"People respect a forest of the cedar and keep it over several thousand years."
「涼む×夏の音」  (2013年8月2日・8月23日・2014年7月25日)
"Sounds connect people."
"Cooling oneself by the sound of traditional art."
"Enjoy a sound that people resonate with nature."
「実る×伝統野菜」  (2013年7月26日・8月16日)
"Protecting native species for the future."
"People commune with nature for the native species."
「繋げる×出雲」  (2013年7月5日・7月19日)
"Removal of a shrine to pass on traditional artisans' techniques."
"Nature and civilization coexist at the village of myriads of gods."
「日本の収納×守る」  (2013年6月28日・7月12日)
「蔵で、収納の文化を守る 」
"The culture of the storing is inherited in a storehouse."
"The paulownia chest has been refined with Japanese climate."
「収納の伝統を未来へ渡す 」
"Handing over a tradition of the storing to the future."
「仰ぐ×飛騨高山と世界遺産白川郷」  (2013年6月7日・21日・2014年6月27日)
"The people coexist with nature, and strengthen the bond."
"Making a sustainable life of tree and people."
"Carving Buddha from a tree and worship nature."
「辿る×白洲正子」  (2013年5月31日・6月14日・2014年5月23日)
「いけてはじめて『花に成る』」 白洲正子
"When it was arranged, the flower retains true life. Masako Shirasu"
"As for the life, a process seems to be more attractive than a result.
Masako Shirasu"
「秘める×鎌倉」  (2013年5月10日・24日・10月18日)
"Devote themselves to make full use of vegetables as whole foods."
"Sitting in meditation to search and calm one's heart."
「頂く×台所」  (2013年5月3日・17日・2014年9月12日)
"The people gather on fire and have warmth together."
"Everyday life is blessed with water drawn into kabata."
「生きる×土」  (2013年4月12日・26日)
"The people love local land and live with soil."
"The earth is taken out and made use in a daily living."
"Utilizing a thing of the hometown by "local production for local consumption"."
「遇う×美しい日本の宿」  (2013年4月5日・19日)
"We came across the richness of simplicity."
"Polishing a floor is to train dignified mind."
「つたえる×宮沢賢治と東北(後編)」  (2013年3月15日・29日)
"Whatever anyone says I am the young wild olive tree."
"I sense that I should call it"The sacred spot"."
「つながる×宮沢賢治と東北(前編)」  (2013年3月8日・22日・2014年1月24日)
「世界がぜんたい幸福にならないうちは 個人の幸福はあり得ない。」
"No person can be happy until the entire world is happy."
「どうかみんなの幸せのために わたしの体をお使いください。」
"Please use my body for the happiness of all people everywhere."
「報せる(しらせる)×梅」  (2013年2月15日・3月1日・2014年2月21日)
"It waits for coming of spring by the heart which loves nature."
"The figure of a plum connects tradition and the mind."
「養う×温泉」  (2013年2月8日・22日)
"Restoring our energy by blessings of the Sand bath."
"Natural bath salts make us possible to take "Onsen" everywhere."
「逢う×新しいこころに出逢う ~伊勢神宮・2013~」  (2013年1月11日・1月25日)
"Knowing women's power still live on in this area."
"Pass along the craftsmanship by reproduce the shrines."

新春スペシャル 「神様のワンダーランド  伊勢神宮」  (2013年1月4日・2月1日)

"Present the god thankfulness for the country."
"Lives circulate around the sanctity land."
"Purify and renew its heart by Ise pilgrimage."
"Hand the live of the forest toward 200years forward."
"Make it rebirth over again for its forever freshness."
「冬の京都×設える」  (2012年12月14日・2013年1月18日)
"Setting ornaments to straighten our body and soul for the new year. "
"Hand over the nature and the tradition with lucky foods."
「冬の京都×温もる」  (2012年12月7日・21日)
"Create warm service with its kind care to the nature."
"Care the house using the right cleaning tool."
"Create the genuine warmth handmade."
「和食×生かす」  (2012年11月9日・30日・2013年11月15日)
"Appreciate Japanese food   made of seasons' blessing."
"The wisdom  of the Japanese food would be utilized for the world."
"Have the Japanese food filled with beauty with one's five senses."
「手仕事×伝える」 後編  (2012年11月2日・23日)
"Creating new products by adding modern sense to essence of Washi."
"Life of the plants and motherly kindness are expressed in Handworks."
「手仕事×伝える」 前編  (2012年10月26日・11月16日)
"fusing traditional craft with cutting-edge design."
"Skills of the sword smithery enrich people's lives."
"Tradition and flexible ideas make new craftworks."
「金沢×誘(いざな)う」  (2012年10月5日・10月19日)
"Give on the wisdom by the coexistence of the man and water."
「日本庭園×戴く」  (2012年9月28日・10月12日・2013年12月13日)
"Place the beauty of nature in the garden as fine art."
"Condense the beauty of the season nature in the limited place."
"Respect, help, give the natural power to the garden."
「白神山地×育む」  (2012年9月7日・21日・2014年5月30日)
"Appreciate and raise the life in the time of the forest."
"Raise the future by the natural power."
「音×震わす」  (2012年8月31日・9月14日)
"Ring out the rich sound by the nature rule."
"Move one's body by the beating vibrations."
「富士山×清める」  (2012年8月10日・24日・2014年8月22日)
"Treat clean in the hard nature of Mt. Fuji."
"Tie the nature and the human together at the foot of Mt. Fuji."
"Clean one's mind and leave this world at the top of Mt. Fuji."
「赤×蘇る」  (2012年8月3日・17日)
"Red of god, shows awe and thankfulness."
"Hand on the red to the future, the color of revival and regeneration."
"Thank the red from the nature."
「涼む×夏(後編)夏の小物・風物詩」  (2012年7月13日・27日)
"Bring up the relationship by carrying the coolness."
"Cool the cloth by the workman's skill."
「涼む×夏(前編) 日本の伝統・着物」  (2012年7月6日・20日)
"A thin kimono makes beautiful and cool summer."
"Enjoy the lightness and the coolness by the natural wisdom."
"Enjoy the rain in Japanese workmanship and its chic style."
"Thank the rain and think about its nature."
「澄む×世界遺産 高野山・熊野古道」  (2012年6月8日・22日)
"Respect all the nature and do the manners."
"Keen the life at the holy place."
「和む×縁側」  (2012年5月18日・6月1日・2014年4月4日)
"Live and calm with the nature at the veranda."
"Pass the human wisdom to the nature."
「識る×函館」  (2012年5月11日・25日)
"Make the village last in Japanese and European mixed style."
"Thank the nature and make the wisdom to utilize it."
"Make the value of the nature view and the food in itself."
「覚める×朝」  (2012年4月27日・5月4日)
"Morning style awaken you from the bottom of your mind."
"Make full use of the ingredient and will awaken the senses."
「想う×桜」  (2012年4月6日・20日)
"Cherry blossoms reminds us of its nature."
"Cherry blossoms reminds us of the life from centuries."
「廻る×島」  (2012年3月30日・4月13日・2014年4月25日)
"Revive the gift of nature by the wisdom of the island."
"Gather and raise the wisdom for the small island."
"Spread the product of the nature by the sea."
"Raise it in the island with the world wisdom."
"Bring wealth by connecting inside and outside the island."
「磨く×箸」  (2012年3月9日・23日)
"Polish the chopsticks and enrich the time."
"Touch the nature softly with a crystal."
"Hand down the Japanese mind in the polished behavior."
「愛でる×松」  (2012年3月2日・16日)
"Love the tradition taken over in years."
"Love the light made by the pine and the human wisdom."
"Love the microcosm born from the life."
"Love the scene of the nature and the human living together."
「温泉王国・ニッポン! 潤す×温泉」
"The power from the earth moisten the body and the heart."
"Sharing the benefaction from the hot spring brightens one's life."
「醸す×麹」  (2012年2月3日・17日・2014年2月14日)
"Noodle and the fermentation fills your heart."
"Save the gift of the nature with its power."
"The skills of the fermentation educates the man."
「還す×炭」  (2012年1月13日・27日)
“Well-made charcoal keep the mountain beautiful.”
“Life with charcoal riches one’s life.”
“The power of the charcoal returns the nature power to its life.”
「集う×鍋」  (2012年1月6日・20日)
“Gather the local food wisdom.”
“Gather the food to its land.”
“NABE develops the land's culture.”
「結ぶ×出雲」  (2011年12月9日・23日)
“Respect the god of the nature and form the relationship.”
“Form the relationship with the nature and the everyday life.”
“Make the beauty from the relationship with the nature.”
“Take over the stories with the human and the nature.”
「継ぐ×着物」  (2011年12月2日・16日)
“Join the Edo style to the world.”
“Succeed the beautiful behavior by kimono.”
“Well caring keeps the material for century.”
「託す×エコデザイン」  (2011年11月18日・25日)
“Design decides the future in century.”
“Design the plan for the future.”
“Fashion decides coexistence with the nature.”
“Architecture depends on the property of the place.”
“Realize his ideal on his lifestyle design.”
“Realize his dream on his social design.”
「彩る×京都」  (2011年10月21日・11月11日)
“Enriched land provides fresh products.”
“Disposing things makes life rich.”
“Workman's skill design future.”
“History and pleasure color the life.”
「護る×漆」  (2011年10月14日・11月4日)
“Our everyday life has been supported by japan.”
“Beautiful fruits of nature protect quality of life.”
“A will to preserve old good things, 。make things restored.”
「活かす×稲」  (2011年10月7日・28日)
“Give birth to the farm by rice growing.”
“Utilize the piece of flow by the mind of not wasting things.”
“Utilize every part of the rice with wisdom and skill.”
「読む×月」  (2011年9月16日・30日)
“See the rhythm of the nature by waxing and waning of the moon.”
“See the history of the human being by the moonlight.”
“See the relation of the nature by the difference of the moon in seasons.”
“See the wealth of the nature by moonlight.”
「繋ぐ×屋根」  (2011年9月9日・23日)
“Thatched roofs connect us with sky and nature.”
“They love and preserve beautiful rows of houses with tiled roof for 100 years.”
“The wisdom of grass roof will be handed down to the future.”
「巡る×水(後編)」  (2011年8月12日・26日)
“See the flow of the water and know the blessing.”
“Imagine the history of our life with water.”
“Find the wisdom for the future from the flow the nature.”
「巡る×水(前編)」  (2011年8月5日・19日・9月2日)
“Imagine the way water go.”
“Thinking about the source of a river.”
“They love water, and the water raise them.”
「涼む×夏(後編)」  (2011年7月15日・29日)
"Wear and sprinkle the coolness."
"Refreshing beauty makes yourself cool."
"Cool with the sound of the gentle breeze."
"Cool with your view of words."
「涼む×夏(前編)」  (2011年7月8日・22日)
"Cool oneself from the heart to the delicate skills."
"Make yourself cool like a goldfish."
"Commune with nature,Cool yourself naturally."
「適える×和紙」  (2011年6月17日・7月1日)
"The strength of washi comes from the plants."
"The beauty out of craftsmanship suits our time. "
"Innovative attitudes make our tradition in the future."
"Wisdom and flexibility makes ever-changing washi."
「享ける×京町家」  (2011年6月10日・24日)
"We enjoy winds, lights and seasons in the traditional Kyoto flats."
"Craftsmanship bring us the gift of nature. "
"We respect the spirit that tries to build our future which is based on the tradition."
「点てる×お茶」  (2011年5月20日・6月3日)
"Begin tea serving from cultivation of tea leaves."
"Serve quality time with nothing to waste."
"The essence of serving is the heart of hospitality."
"Create a new value with love for tea leaves."
「灯す×蝋燭」  (2011年5月13日・27日)
"A candle light connects people gently."
"Take over old wisdom, light the fruits of nature."
"Life in good old days emerges in the candle light."
"Find the beauty in the candle, and in the dimly lit room."
「整える×弁当箱」  (2011年4月22日・5月6日)
"Fill the lunch box in good order with the wisdom of life."
"Make the lifelong things with the traditional skills."
"Make the things in season with your heart of service."
"Fill the finite space with the infinite tradition."
「撓る(しなる)×竹」  (2011年4月15日・29日)
"Being functional is being beautiful."
"It is so luxurious with nothing but bamboo."
"Reduce waste makes things beautiful."
"Given energy from the nature."
「包む×風呂敷」  (2011年4月1日・8日)
"Your mind for others makes the beautiful design."


"Fill your heart and it makes the design more creative."


"New ideas makes the future."


"Wrap the maind for the new generation."
